Bird Conservation is a Global Effort

The spectacle of migration that occurs twice each year in the western hemisphere is, perhaps, unmatched elsewhere on the planet. Billions of birds leave Canada each autumn in favour of locations further south.

Many of the birds that spend part of their lives in Canada depend on a network of sites scattered throughout the hemisphere on migration, and during the winter and breeding seasons. Collaborative efforts that span international boundaries and focus on full lifecycle conservation are therefore essential to ensure the long-term survival of bird populations.

The Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBA) network represents one such effort. To date, BirdLife International partners have identified more than 10,000 IBAs around the world, with a final total expected to exceed 14,000.

Bird Studies Canada and Nature Canada are proud to participate in this global effort, both within Canada and beyond our borders. Visit our individual partner websites to learn more about the many ways in which we support the BirdLife partnership.

American White Pelican
Photo: © USFWS John Foster
The IBA Program is an international conservation initiative coordinated by BirdLife International. The Canadian co-partners for the IBA Program are Birds Canada and Nature Canada.
   © Birds Canada